Contact Us
Thanks for getting in touch! On this page you can find our contact information, which may be helpful to you if you are trying to hire our expertise or for any other reason.
New Business
Hire us for even the most complex of cases.
If email does not suit you, feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Press Inquiries
We will do our best to respond to all inquiries in a timely manner.
Technical Support
We provide technical support on products we have deployed for our clients. For more information, please get in touch with your assigned point of contact.
Security Incidents
Please let us know of any technical, security, or privacy concerns you may come across.
A Last Resort
Can't find what you need? Feel free to fill out this form. Do note that it would be better for you to submit an inquiry by email so we can quickly assign you a case manager, however. Email us at: inquires@jgmstrategy.com.